The Highlights From Yester-Year

My favorite posts from the old blog. Just needed a place to stash them for future reference.

Monday, December 19, 2005


Originally posted on July 22, 2004.

Saw Prince in concert Tuesday night (7/20 @ Nassau Coliseum).

The greatest musical experience of my entire life. And I live and breathe music.

I'm not, or should I say, I wasn't the biggest Prince fan before. I liked his music and respected his artistic genius, but I was thoroughly impressed Tuesday night. And I'm just not the excitement type.

It was bittersweet though. On the one hand, it was a show that I doubt anyone from any generation could have pulled off other than Prince. Words cannot express how great he and the NPG truly were.

But it was sad because I realize there is absolutely no performer from my generation that even cares enough about their craft to put anywhere near as much heart and effort into perfecting it as Prince has.

The ones who do seem to care a little bit, just don't have the talent or the charisma to pull it off and they know it, so they mask their insecurity through contrived cockiness.

I hate to even call these people performers. And the worst part about it is people pay for this crap. Insert puzzled face here.

What happens when the Prince's of the world stop performing? I won't be at a 50 Cent concert 20 years from now the way my mother was going down memory lane with Prince.

Mary J. Blige screams and hollers, which is good if you're into that sort of thing.

Alicia Keys is ok, but doesn't command the stage.

Beyonce is ok, but if I wanted to see the video, I'd watch it at home and save $80.

Usher, please. Would there be enough room in the arena for the fans and his head? Anyone that cocky should at least play an instrument and all that popping and locking and Michael Jackson-ing has been done before. I don't know if I could stand him for 20 minutes, forget 2 and a half hours.

And if he decided to show up an hour after scheduled start time as Prince did, I would have been gone 59 minutes and 37 seconds before he got on stage.

R. Kelly gets boring after a while and pondering which songs are about 12 year olds is not my idea of a good time.

The only hip hop shows I would pay to see would have to include the incomparable Roots, or Mos Def, Common, etc. Or some old school performers or underground acts who don't try to ice grill me into liking their songs.

Rap is a non issue in this. Let's not even go there since 50 screaming sweaty men on one stage scares me.

In an inaudible voice not realizing that I have a mic for a reason and don't have to scream:
"THROW YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR AND WAVE EM LIKE YOU JUST DON'T CARE....NOW SCREEEEAAAAAM" Point mic out to the crowd, grab crotch and insert hoe, b**ch, n**** or other form of degredation here while the crowd sings along to my mindless ignorant stupidity.

Rock is not my thing, per se, but I could see myself going to a rock concert before a rap concert.

Me'shell Ndegeocello is amazing, but isn't the well known sold out show comodity that is needed to make someone, anyone, step their game up. I'd love for her to get the recognition that she deserves, but if they're not up on her now, too bad. Their loss. Everybody doesn't have to be mainstream. And since mainstream is becoming synonomous for crap, that's a good thing.

In the words of Phife, "I'll never let a statue tell me how nice I am"

I don't let sales or spins tell me who I'm supposed to listen to, so I really don't care if you sell 2 or 2 million.

But some of these neo-soul acts are coming off just as fake, corny, contrived and boring as the booty shaking video hoe accessorized rappers and thug wannabe potty mouthed talentless singers.

Andre 3000 is great and I've loved him since Elevators and Player's Ball all the way up to Roses and Prototype, but he reminds me too much of Prince nowadays and since I've already seen Prince....... Why buy a BMW when you can afford a Rolls?

Andre and Lenny aren't worth my baller on a budget money anyway.

Janet's live show fell off bad. The robotic moves should have went out with Rhythm Nation, but that doesn't stop Britney from biting. I'd still rather watch Janet than most other performers even if her live singing does look like a bad Karate flick.

Janet doesn't count in this anyway.

It's too hot to be on this soapbox for too long, so I'll just leave it at this and pray for someone to come along who actually cares about the music, has the appeal and most importantly, the talent.

Until then, I will probably have to wait a while before I attend another concert since I'm willing to bet that none will ever be as good as the one His Royal Purpleness put on that hot July 20th, 2004 night.

The blog changes to purple, and the Purple Rain soundtrack gets cued up on the i-pod.

Too bad more of my generation isn't up on this Musicology.

Back to ball tomorrow. IT'S TOO HOTTTT!!!


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